Day 2 - Kevin Smith Films

- Chasing Amy
- Clerks
- Dogma
- An Evening With Kevin Smith
- Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back
"I love you. And not in a friendly way..." Clerks is a classic, I'm not going to argue that. However, Chasing Amy showed that Kevin Smith was more than just a one hit wonder. Amy is a deeply personal film that has some of the best examples of what makes Kevin great: Memorable dialogue. "You're just a tracer!" An Evening With Kevin Smith may seem like an odd choice at 4, but it contains 3 hours of some of the best storytelling you'll ever hear. If you haven't seen it, come borrow it from me. I know some of you love Mallrats, but it simply wasn't the film Kevin wanted to make. Jeremy London was just terrible and ruined the film for me. Sorry Sam.
*5. Mall Rats
Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back is only enjoyable for Kevin Smith enthusiasts, whereas Mall Rats is a gem of Mr. Smith's work.
- Magnolia Fan
I actually enjoyed Dogma the most. Mall rats needs to be on the list.
I hate to admit this, but I saw Jay and Silent Bob after only seeing Chasing Amy, and I still loved it. I do enjoy it even more now, but it still had better jokes the Mallrats.
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