Day 6 - Coolest 80s Cartoon Characters

- Snake Eyes (G.I. Joe)
- Soundwave (Transformers)
- Voltron (Voltron)
- Panthro (Thundercats)
- Battlecat (He-Man)
Ok Snake Eyes is easily the coolest 80s cartoon character. He didn't speak, no one could beat him in a fight, and he could break dance. Soundwave comes in a close second with his collection of cassette henchmen (Rumble, Ravage, Laserbeak and Buzzsaw). Voltron was the inspiration for Devistator (Transformers) and the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. He was the original and deserves the #3 spot. Panthro got to drive the Thundercats tank, so he gets the nod at #4. Battlecat was a far cooler then He-Man. Fuck he-man. Battlecat should have just rolled over and mauled He-man Siegfried and Roy styles.
"Fuck he-man. Battlecat should have just rolled over and mauled He-man Siegfried and Roy styles."
Easily my favorite quote of the year.
...and I think I agree with most of these picks. I wish I remembered more of the '80s though.
Yup... Good list. No major disagreements. Voltron might take Soundwave though. Do you remember Megatron (Think hard Matador)? He turned into a freakin cap gun.
Megatron! Nice work Keen. By the way - how the hell are you?
what about ninja turtles?
I added a ninja turtle character as a honorable mention. Megatron is one of the greatest toys of the 80's, but I still love Soundwave.
Though I'm not one to adhere to gender stereotypes, these 80's cartoons seem to be pretty male oriented. (Wow, I sound like a grad student.) Where's She-ra? Where's Rainbow Brite? Tsk, tsk, Chris.
Or... could this be a subject for another daily top 5?
yes voltron all the way
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